About Us

about us

About Us

Certified Allied Health Professionals Committed to Excellence

Established since 2013, Fort Healthcare clinics strive to reduce pain physically and mentally and optimise your body function. Our practitioners are experienced and passionate about health and well-being. We believe in focusing on our clients and tailoring a plan that takes into account their real life needs and expectations.

Fort Healthcare currently has practices in Hurstville, Chatswood, Burwood, Rhodes and Sydney CBD.

Our Values

Our Work Is Heavily Shaped by Our Core Values



We aim at understanding and caring for patients and colleague’s needs and wants, by attentive listening and putting ourselves in people’s shoes.


We want to keep adapting to different situations, with a desire to learn and striving to be better. Learning new trends and technologies in the industry.


Respect everyone we meet and treat them like we want to be treated. Whether it is a colleague or a patient, understanding and respect matter.


We are the experts in our field. Therefore, it is important to have the courage to do what is right knowing that it is for the better good of the person ahead.

What Our Clients Say

I work with Fort Healthcare to help look after my patients' allied health needs. Their team provides a great comprehensive services.
Dr Chin Ven Tan
Founder and General Practitioner of MediCentral
You can expect the most professional service and treatment at this clinic. I have been visiting this place for over three years and my cervical and low back pain has been greatly improved. You will not be disappointed with the chiropractic and physiotherapy here.
Google Reviews
Fort HC helped me diagnose my bulging disc which had been causing me problems for a long time and missed by other chiros/physios. Could not recommend highly enough.
Google Reviews
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Not Sure What You Need?

Simply give us a call and we are here to help. Alternatively, walk into one of our clinics and let us take a closer look to suggest the best treatment you need.