Career Opportunities

Allied Health Practitioner Opportunities

Our team covers different fields of the allied health industry, including physiotherapy, psychology, occupational therapy, chiropractic, exercise physiology, speech pathology, dietetic, podiatry, remedial massage, acupunture and so on. Each one of them focuses on a different aspect of the human body.

We are looking for full time,  part time, casual practitioners who are enthusiastic and willing to collaborate with other service providers to practice your best knowledge. Practitioners are as important as our patients. We create a friendly and supportive environment for every practitioner in the team to fulfil their needs.

Career Opportunities

New Graduate Program

Are your a recent graduated allied health practitioners seeking for a career in private healthcare. We are here for you. Fort Healthcare provides comprehensive new graduate program for physiotherapy, psychology, occupational therapy, chiropractic, exercise physiology, speech pathology, dietetic and podiatry.

Career Opportunities

Overseas Relocation

Are you planning to move to Australia as an International Allied Health practitioner? Fort Healthcare provides a tailored package for your smooth relocation process, including visa, professional registration, relocation support, supervision framework and more!

Career Opportunities

Student Clinical Placement

Fort Healthcare provides student clinical placements for medicine, physiotherapy, exercise physiology and chiropractic students from University of Sydney, University of New South Wales and Macquarie University.

Career Opportunities

Provisional Psychologists Supervision

Fort Healthcare is providing supervision program for provisional psychologists in Australia. Our experienced clinical psychologist is a registered supervisor on Psychology Board AHPRA.

Staff opportunities

You will have lots of opportunities to explore, lean and up skills. Receptionists are essential to the practice. We are looking for enthusiastic staffs to join the big family.

Career Opportunities

What Our Clients Say

I work with Fort Healthcare to help look after my patients' allied health needs. Their team provides a great comprehensive services.
Dr Chin Ven Tan
Founder and General Practitioner of MediCentral
You can expect the most professional service and treatment at this clinic. I have been visiting this place for over three years and my cervical and low back pain has been greatly improved. You will not be disappointed with the chiropractic and physiotherapy here.
Google Reviews
Fort HC helped me diagnose my bulging disc which had been causing me problems for a long time and missed by other chiros/physios. Could not recommend highly enough.
Google Reviews
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